
Our pedagogy is implemented through the following core principles:

Learning through play

We are unconditional supporters of the idea that children learn best when they play before they move on to more abstract and less tangible ways of learning. Playing allows children to explore the world in confidence.

Children experiment and gain a deep understanding of concepts and ideas when they do themselves, which happens during play.

Play is the way children comprehend the world and build their aptitude to grasp abstract concepts. This process stimulates their curiosity analytical skills and supports language acquisition and development.

Teacher-child balance

We believe that the best way to teach a child at such a young age is to follow their interests and maintain the right balance between child-led and adult-led activities. We leverage on the children’s natural inclinations and our staff expertise to deliver our teaching, facilitate learning and achieve their potential.

Adult input is necessary to ensure that the learning is not just incidental and that children acquire essential life skills. We ensure that the adult-led teaching covers topics that are meaningful to the children.

Examples of topics include: knowing myself, taking care of myself/of the world, animals (farm, sea …), the seasons, feelings, healthy eating, oral hygiene, people who help us, transports, staying safe.



At Blooming Years Nursery School, we recognise that each child is unique. We therefore design a tailor-made curriculum for each child, which is always anchored in each individual child’s interests and potential.

We always make sure that the children’s activities are linking back to, and covering the key areas outlined by the EYFS.

Our curriculum therefore covers the following areas of learning: communication and language, physical development, personal social and emotional development (PSED), maths, literacy, understanding of the world and expressive arts and design.


Learning journey

We recognise that children develop at different rates and take this into account as soon as a child starts at our setting. We complete regular and precise assessments of children and use this information to plan and create further opportunities for learning.

Children’s records are updated on a regular basis and evidence of their progress is kept in their learning journal, an online version of which is accessible at any time by the parents.

Partnership with parents

We believe that parents are the primary educators of their children. Therefore, we work in partnership with you to promote continuity between home and the nursery.

You will:

Receive daily updates on your child - what they did and ate during the day and, for the very young, sleep time and toileting.

Be kept up to date on the curriculum and your child’s progress.

Receive ideas on how to extend your child’s learning at home.

We can offer additional support to you and your child whenever special circumstances call for it – just speak to us.